Sunday 18 September 2022


Professor Mondy Selle Gold was born on September 16, 1957, by HRH Kanyareye Gold and Ma Bede Gold (Nee Ozikozi) from Torugbene, a border community in both Bayelsa and Delta States. 

He attended primary school in Torugbene and secondary school in Bonny, River State. He worked in Pan African Bank before preceding to the United States in 1981. He is married with children.

 He has dedicated his life to building a better future for the Ijaw people – from taking Ijaw National Congress (INC) to the US to forming Bayelsa Center USA and organizing the first global conference of Bayelsa State in Atlanta to serving as a member of the Ijaw/Urhobo Conflict Resolution Committee in Washington DC to serving as the President of the Ijaw Diaspora Council in the US that spearheaded the rejuvenation of INC in the United States leading to the election of Professor Ogele Okaba as President. His love for Ijaw nation MONDY SELE Gold is a patriot. He loves the land of his birth. He loves Bayelsa. He loves Nigeria. He has lived in the United States of America for well over thirty years now, only because he has since taken to heart the words of the great American novelist, James Baldwin. “Know whence you came from. There’s no limit to where you can go.” By the same token, Mondy Gold traverses the world at will, but he takes time to connect with his roots on yearly visits. Gold could jolly well pass for a citizen of the world. He has lived in the west. He has lived in the east. He has lived in the south. He has lived in the north. He has lived in the lower and upper hemispheres of life, and his everyday conduct is informed by the experience he has garnered in the course of his frequent flights around some of the world’s greatest capital cities. Ask Mondy Gold anything you wish to know about the world economy, and be amazed that one human being can be in possession of such awesome facts and still remain cool, calm and gentle. Mondy Sele Gold qualifies to be described by all three adjectives. He is the typical American gentleman, ready to be of help that he might be helped. In more ways than one, Mondy has helped in mining for gold. Now it is left for the world to assess Mondy Gold for his worth. And his true worth is to be found in the pages of his first book entitled “The Global Reach For Gold.”

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