Saturday 17 November 2018

2019: Nigeria media advised to inbuild human index development data into political reporting

The Nigeria Media has been advised to inbuild human index development data into political reporting ahead of the 2019 general elections.

Mr Jide Ojo,  a resource person gave the advise while delivering a presentation at a workshop organised by the International Press Centre (IPC) for journalists recently in Enugu.

Presenting a paper titled "Integrating Socio-Economic and Human Index Development Data into Political Reporting ahead of 2019 elections" he said that the media had an onerous role to play in setting the agenda.

He said the media should ensure that socioeconomic issues as well as human development issues dominates the agenda to be set.

He also said that as part of the agenda setting responsibility of the media, it was imperative that political correspondents ask the right questions from those who would be contesting the elections.

Similarly, Prof Chinyere Okunna, another resource person at the workshop said that, there was the urgent need for the media to stop glamorising violence and hate speech.

Presenting a paper titled "Conflict Sensitivity and Avoiding Hate Speech as Major Imperatives in Reporting Ahead 2019" Okunna said that a media system that glamorizes violence and hate speech totally lacks the capacity to enthrone the tenets of peace journalism.

She said that in such regard, the way the media ‘frame’ violence and the desirability of peace, the types of items (conflict-oriented or peace-promoting) that are placed on the media agenda, as well as the importance or status conferred on people and events in conflict situations, could be major factors in determining the emergence of a culture of peace and the avoidance of hate speech in any society

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