Tuesday 24 January 2017

Military smashes militants’ camp kills 2 in Bayelsa following tip off from Palmwine tapper

 The Joint Military Force in the Niger Delta, Operation Delta Safe has raided a militants’ camp in the Bayelsa and killed two suspected militants in a gun duel following tip off from a palm wine tapper.

Community sources said that the palm wine tapper who plies his trade in Okodi community of Ogbia Local Government Area in Bayelsa sighted the militants from the tree top and informed the community leadership who alerted the military.

A statement from Lt.-Col. Olaolu Daudu, Spokesman of Operation Delta Safe on Tuesday confirmed that two of the suspected militants died in the raid conducted by troops deployed to Obama flow station in Bayelsa

“Troops of Sector 2 (Bayelsa) Operation DELTA SAFE deployed in Obama flow station acting on a tip off by locals and vigilance raided a militant camp.

“ One of the suspects is a notorious leader of criminals popularly known as Labista who is on security agencies watch list and had at various times engaged in high profile kidnapping, killing of security personnel in ambush, piracy, armed robbery and other criminal activities.

“Labista and his cohort dived into the River in a bid to escape while the raid was ongoing and were engaged by own troops.

“ At the end of the operations the bodies of two notorious criminals were found floating on water.

“They were recovered and deposited at Government Morgue. Items recovered are two single barrel guns, cutlass and four speed boats,” the statement read in part.

The Statement further quoted Commander Operation DELTA SAFE, Rear Admiral Apochi Suleiman as assuring the people of the Niger Delta region of their safety and security as they go about their legitimate businesses.

He encouraged them not to condone any form of sabotage, vandalism or acts of criminality because of the negative effects on the environment and economy.

According to the statement, Suleiman thanked the peoplee for their continued support and cooperation urgeing them to report any act of criminality promptly to the Joint Task Force.  

He restated that Operation Delta Safe remains focused on its mandate of checking oil theft, protecting oil and gas assets as well as providing security for legitimate economic activities.

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