Wednesday 23 November 2016

Bayelsa Farmers lament destruction of farmlands by cattle

Bayelsa Farmers lament destruction of farmlands by cattle Farmers in Ekpetiama Kingdom in Yenagoa Local Government Area (LGA) of Bayelsa Wednesday appealed to security agencies to prevail on herdsmen who lead cattle to graze in the area to desist from the act. Farmers, community leaders and inhabitants of the Kingdom decried the activities of some of the herdsmen who are unable to control their herds of cattle which ravage their crops. They appealed to the Authorities to wade into the matter in order to prevent any breakdown of law and order. Ekpetiama Kingdom comprises seven towns situated along the banks of the River Nun and several tributaries connecting the River Niger and the Atlantic Ocean. These Towns are Gbarantoru, Tombia, Agudama, Akaibiri, Boumondi Gbene and Ikibiri. It was gathered that the communities engage in dry season farming planting crops such as cassava, water yam, potato and plantain. However, there are conflicts between farmers and herdsmen leading cattle to graze in the area, with locals alleging that their farms and crops are often destroyed in the process. The Monarch of Ekpetiama Kingdom, King Bubraye Dakolo urged the government and security agencies to look into the plight of his people, calling for urgent measures to address the situation before it degenerates. “What is happening now is a recipe for disaster. It is very difficult to watch your crops which are doing well being eaten up by cows. “Imagine your one hectare of land you have managed to till at a great cost in terms of money, sweat and energy is now being devoured by some animals. “So, you go and plant water yams, cassava and plantain, by the time you realize it, they have been devoured. It could spark some clash someday between farmers and herdsmen”, Dakolo said. A farmer based in Tombia community, Mrs Ibomo Odigi who narrated her experience observed that the impact of uncontrolled grazing had taken a negative toll on food production. “These herds of cattle they brought here, they have destroyed all our water yam, cassava. “Some of the herdsmen are even armed with guns.They said everybody should go to farm and that is what we have done but these cattle have eaten everything. “One woman is lying critically ill at the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital with High Blood Pressure after her crops were destroyed,” She said. Another farmer from Agudama,Yenagoa LGA Mrs Preye Kala-Okpoya said: “Last month, they invaded my farm and destroyed everything. “Last year, the same thing happened in my farm and when I went to look at it, I saw their guns hidden there,” she said Mr Alagoa Morris, Head of Field Operations at the Environmental Rights Action, said that timely intervention by relevant authorities would avert any imminent danger. “These incidents might escalate into violence if nothing is done and we don’t want violence. “The herdsmen are not in total control of their cattle which veer off to eat crops and plants in farmlands rather that feed on grasses. “The relationship between the farmers and herdsmen is getting to the level where it is no longer healthy. “We think the government should come in to ensure that anything that would lead to bloodshed is averted. It should be live and let live. “Some days ago, some of the farmers in Ekpetiama Kingdom took to the streets to protest the destruction of their crops and farmlands by cattle led by the herdsmen.” he said.

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